Spangenberg School of Business


About the Business Leadership Program

大多数学生在商业领导计划选择这个研究领域,因为它的极端灵活性. However, 大多数学生在上了几门商业入门课程后,很快就找到了自己的“利基”或职业, whether that is accounting, marketing, finance, human resource management, etc.  而选择商科作为一个选择的研究领域是相对于个人的, 这样做将使学生成为市场上耶稣的手和脚,成为世界迫切需要的盐和光.

What to Expect from the B.A. in Business Leadership Program

本课程的学生不仅将学习基本的商业原则和理论, 比如各种会计和金融概念, communication techniques, leadership styles, management and people practices, 组织行为学也会帮助学生应用课堂上学到的概念. 从本质上讲,我们尽最大努力确保该计划提供实践经验. Most importantly, 学生学习如何从以圣经为中心和道德的角度应用这些原则.

FYI 101

FYI 101. Student Success Course ............3 SEM/HOURS

General Education Foundation

Communications (9 hours)
ENG 151. 大学作文导论(3小时)
ENG 152. 中级大学作文(3学时)
COM 200. 语言交流概论(3小时)

Humanities/Fine Arts (6 hours)
HUM 103. 人文学科:从古代到中世纪. 人文:文艺复兴到二十世纪或HUM 101. Appreciation of the Arts OR HUM. 102. Applied Humanities OR WA 101. 视觉艺术鉴赏或任何组合, any applied music course by audition, MT 100, MU 330, MU 201, MU 303 (3 hours) AND ENG 221. Survey of World Literature OR ENG 222. 美国文学概览(英文版. 美国文学概览II或ENG 223. 英国文学概览1或英文227. 英国文学概览II或ENG 224. 基督教文学概览(3小时)

Mathematics (3 hours)
MA 130. 商业数学或同等或更高(根据专业)(3小时)

History (6 hours)
HI 211. 西方文明:最早的时代到1700年和HI 212年. 西方文明:1700年至今. 美国历史:探索重建的时代和HI 224. 美国历史:重建到现在OR MH 403. 音乐史和文学:古代到巴洛克和MH 404. 音乐史与文学:古典到二十世纪(根据专业)(6学时)

Science (3 hours)
SCI 201. Introduction to Biological Science OR
SCI 202. Introduction to Earth Science OR
SCI 203. Physical Science OR
SCI 204 Introduction to Chemistry

Psychology (3 hours)
PSY 201. General Psychology (3 hours)

Technology (3 hours)
IT 202. Information Technology Applications OR
EDU 2040. Information Technology for Educators OR
MU 202. 敬拜事工的基本技术
MUE 360. 音乐课堂技术:K-12(根据专业)(3小时)

TOTAL......................................................33 SEM/HOURS


HI 200. History of Economic Thought (3 hours)
STA 300. Statistics (3 hours)

Additional Requirements........................6 SEM/HOURS

Biblical Theology Foundation

BF 101. Old Testament Survey (3 hours)
BF 103. New Testament Survey (3 hours)
EV 201. Personal Evangelism (3 hours)
SF 101. Spiritual Formation (3 hours)

TOTAL......................................................12 SEM/HOURS

Degree Requirements

BUS 103. Introduction to Business (3 hours)
BUS 201. Principles of Accounting (3 hours)
BUS 202. 职场沟通(3小时)
BUS 205. Managerial Accounting (3 hours)
BUS 215. Principles of Microeconomics (3 hours)
BUS 220. Principles of Macroeconomics (3 hours)
BUS 304. Business Law and Ethics (3 hours)
BUS 306. Business Management (3 hours)
BUS 308. Personal Finance (3 hours)
BUS 310. Business Finance (3 hours)
BUS 407. Human Resources Management (3 hours)
BUS 410. Principles of Marketing (3 hours)
BUS 415. Not-for-Profit Accounting (3 hours)
BUS 416. Income Tax (3 hours)
BUS 417. Cases in Business Ethics (3 hours)
BUS 418. Financial Statement Analysis (3 hours)

Business Internship:
BUS 420. Business Internship (3 hours)
and 6 hours of electives (9 hours) OR
BUS 421. Semester Business Internship (9 hours)

Six hours of any of the following:
LA 102. 圣经领导基础(3小时)
LA 200. The Ministry of Leadership (3 hours)
LA 201. Leadership for Church Growth (3 hours)
LA 202. Church Staff Relations (3 hours)
LA 303. Team Ministry (3 hours)
LA 320. 教会工商管理(3小时)
LA 325. Strategic Leadership (3 hours)

MAJOR....................................................63 SEM/HOURS

General Electives

GENERAL ELECTIVES ...............................3 SEM/HOURS

Potential Career Paths

而以下大多数职业道路都是入门级的, 商科学生只要有两到三年的经验,就能轻松地承担管理职责.

  • 应付帐款和/或收款专员
  • Business Operations Analyst
  • Church Administration
  • Data Analyst
  • Human Resource Specialist
  • Marketing Assistant

Program Purpose



  1. Application
  2. 要求官方成绩单(高中或任何大学)
  3. Official ACT or SAT scores

Master of Business Administration

About the Business Leadership Program

大多数学生在商业领导计划选择这个研究领域,因为它的极端灵活性. However, 大多数学生在上了几门商业入门课程后,很快就找到了自己的“利基”或职业, whether that is accounting, marketing, finance, human resource management, etc.  而选择商科作为一个选择的研究领域是相对于个人的, 这样做将使学生成为市场上耶稣的手和脚,成为世界迫切需要的盐和光.

Degree Requirements


  • MBA 5020. Organizational Behavior (3 hours)
  • MBA 5030. 管理人员财务与管理会计(3小时)
  • MBA 5040. Legal Aspects of Business (3 hours)
  • MBA 5050. Marketing Management (3 hours)
  • MBA 5055. Corporate Finance (3 hours)
  • MBA 5060. Data Analysis for Managers (3 hours)
  • MBA 5070. 人力资源管理的当前问题(3小时)
  • MBA 5080. Contemporary Ethical Issues (3 hours)
  • MBA 5090. Not-for-Profit Administration (3 hours)
  • MBA 6000. Strategic Management (3 hours)
  • 学生必须选择以下课程之一:
    • MBA 5075. 当代领导力问题(3小时)
    • MBA 5085. International Business (3 hours)
  • 学生必须选择以下课程之一:
    • MBA 6080. Management Internship (3 hours)
    • MBA 6090. Management Research Proposal (3 hours)


Total: 36 hours

Program Purpose

工商管理硕士课程将为研究生从事教会管理工作做准备, senior-level management, or business-related doctoral studies. 该课程的学生将对商业的关键功能领域有全面的了解. 该学位课程将侧重于识别和解决现实世界的商业问题,学生将使用当前的研究和数据分析来支持管理决策. 还将强调围绕人力资本的当代问题, ethics, not-for-profit administration, and leadership. At the culmination of the program, 学生将能够在管理实习或管理研究为基础的建议中吸收他们获得的知识.

General Admission Requirements

申请工商管理硕士学位课程必须符合以下所有研究生要求. Please also see the current academic catalog.

  1. 拥有地区/机构认可的学士学位,累计GPA为2.5 or higher.
  2. 提交一份最近的简历,证明三年或三年以上的专业工作经验.
  3. 国际学生必须满足上述所有要求,并符合国际要求 current University catalog.


Program Purpose

工商管理硕士是一个以研究和实践为导向的学位,旨在为学生提供高级管理技能,用于高级管理或教会管理. 学生将通过评估复杂的工作场所问题获得与业务功能领域相关的理解, making timely and informed decisions, 并向所有组织利益相关者展示一种意识.

Degree Requirements

Required Courses

  • MBA 5020. Organizational Behavior (3 hours)
  • MBA 5030. 管理人员财务与管理会计(3小时)
  • MBA 5040. Legal Aspects of Business (3 hours)
  • MBA 5050. Marketing Management (3 hours)
  • MBA 5055. Corporate Finance (3 hours)
  • MBA 5070. 人力资源管理的当前问题(3小时)
  • MBA 5080. Contemporary Ethical Issues (3 hours)
  • MBA 5085. International Business (3 hours)
  • MBA 6000. Strategic Management (3 hours)

Data Analytics Concentration

  • MBA 5060. Data Analysis for Managers (3 hours)
  • MBA 6020. Decision Support Analysis (3 hours)
  • MBA 6030. 数据可视化与通信(3小时)


Total: 36 hours

General Admission Requirements

申请工商管理硕士学位课程必须符合以下所有研究生要求. Please also see the current academic catalog. In addition, MBA-DA candidates must:

  1. 拥有地区/机构认可的学士学位,累计GPA为2.5 or higher.
  2. 提交一份最近的简历,证明三年或三年以上的专业工作经验.
  3. 国际学生必须满足上述所有要求,并符合国际要求 current University catalog.


Degrees by Academic Division



SCHOOL of Arts & Sciences


Spangenberg School of Business


School of Music & Worship


School of Education


School of Theology & MINISTRY